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17 States Are Considering Laws That Would Imprison Librarians

Once upon a time, working as a librarian in America was not considered a dangerous vocation. Rewarding, of course. Sweet, sure. Occasionally dull, yes, but a lot of jobs can be boring. Yet, for the most part, most people working as librarians in the US did not wake up, head to work, and wonder, What are the chances I’m going to be charged with a crime for letting someone take out a book today? But thanks to GOP state legislators, that’s now become a legitimate fear. Read more

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Meet the Longtime Librarian Being Honored at the National Book Awards

Some of the leading lights of literature will be honored at the National Book Awards in New York City next week. And for the second year in a row, the Literarian Award for Outstanding Service will be given to a librarian. Tracie D. Hall has championed books and readers at libraries in Seattle, Queens, Hartford and New Haven. She’s now executive director of the American Library Association… Read more

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